Welcome to Things That Make You Go…AHHH!
A quaint little comic about everyday AHHH! moments. No one is immune. From awkward dates to celebrity fails, there’s a comic about it. Created in 1997, hole-punched and strung with yarn, Things That Make You Go…AHHH! was a way to illustrate life’s little annoyances. Now, more than 17 years later, the pencil scrawls have been replaced with vectors and fills.
History Lesson
We update the comics 4 days a week!
So these seem kind of silly, or maybe not. Things irritate me, but things irritate everybody! Things are frustrating, annoying, awkward, scary, funny, shocking–AHHH! Things will make you scream!
To the Comics

I scream, you scream, we all scream…because it be like that sometimes. Yeah. Seriously though, if you have an AHHH! moment that you want illustrated, or a doodle you want to share, send it in!

Send me your AHHH! moment. I know I’m not the only one with annoying, scary, awkward times. I’m not even the only one that can make a comic. So, if you have something to share don’t be shy…

We’re Everywhere
If you can’t make it back here, don’t fret, we’re everywhere! Okay, well maybe not everywhere, but we are on Facebook , Twitter, Instagram , Tumblr , and Google Plus Follow us!
Wanna chat? Okay, so no, you probably don’t want to, but you’re welcome to! Send us a message, drop us a line! If you ever need anything, have a comment, or feedback be sure to contact us here.
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